Written by: Crystal Booth, M.M.- Regional Manager, Southeast USA at PSC Biotech
Hi everyone, I am Crystal Booth. I am currently a Regional Manager for PSC Biotech. I have been working in the pharmaceutical microbiology, environmental monitoring, and quality assurance arenas for the last 20 years. I identify myself as an industry expert in microbiology and quality assurance. I obtained my master’s degree in microbiology from North Carolina State University. I am a seasoned award-winning technical writer and authored the book “Method Development and Validation for the Pharmaceutical Microbiologist.” During my career, I have worked in microbiology, consulting, quality assurance, CDMOs, R&D, and quality control laboratories. I have developed and validated numerous microbial methods, validated equipment, lead projects, audited companies, and worked with many different product types.
I wanted to share a past article that I wrote for the industry. This article is focused on transferring basic aseptic techniques and good hygiene practices learned in the pharmaceutical industry to help you dodge the COVID-19 bullet. I feel it is a very important topic for our current unprecedented times. I hope everyone stays safe and healthy! Please enjoy the article which can be found below.