When it comes to routing documents, whether it’s a new document, a revision, or a periodic review of the record, the process can be long and tedious. If your company is still using the printed paper version of routing, it may be time to step into the new world of electronic document routing. Let’s take an example and say that a standard operating procedure (SOP) needs to be revised. The basics when it comes to routing a document are having the person wanting to revise the document check it out, route it to the appropriate reviewers, have Quality Assurance review and approve it. Let’s look at how electronic document routing is a more efficient way to handle the process.

If your company uses paper routing, the process can get muddy and lost. Time management is the main reason. When the document is given to someone, it remains with them until they have the time to review it and make changes. Now that the document is in the reviewer’s possession until they have time to review the document. If the reviewer is busy and can’t get to for a few days, the document becomes held up until the reviewer can get to it. Another issue is that written paper edits can become hard to read, and there may not be enough room for all edits and comments. In the example above, the document being revised has now gone to one of the three reviewers. The reviewer that has the document has become way too busy and doesn’t have time to review the document, which now has the document sitting on their desk until they can get to it and could take days. The document is on a short timeline and needs to be approved as soon as possible. If the company had an electronic document routing system, the document would be approved faster and more efficiently. Let’s look at how electronic routing is the best way to go.

Why Electronic Document Routing is the Way to Go

Electronic document routing is a more proficient way to get your documents approved in a timely manner. Here are some of the advantages that come with electronic document routing.

  • Editing – All editing is done within the program. This allows for any edits to be presented clearly within the document. The review is easier to read, and there is enough room to make corrections, comments, and edits.
  • Time Management – The document doesn’t come in the possession of a person that is too busy to review the document. The document stays in the review stage and is available when you have the time to review the document.
  • Notifications – The system used for the electronic document routing can continuously send out notifications and reminders of the tasks that may be routed to you. This is great to keep the document moving along and has a better probability of being approved faster.
  • Routing/workflows – Each document will have its own specific workflow, which will have the individuals that need to review and approve the document. These will be set up by your company. This allows for the flow of the document to be consistent.

These few advantages can be the difference between night and day for your companies document process. The paper process is outdated and time-consuming; with the fast pace that companies are in, electronic document routing is really the way to go. PSC® offers a program called ACE™, which is an eQMS, that can help your company jump into the world of electronic document control. For outsourcing and expert advice on Computer Systems Assurance and Computer Systems Validation, check out PSC Biotech®.

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