Leading-Edge Validation Equipment

psc bıotech

PSC Biotech™ provides leading-edge validation equipment, such as Climet and Lives International for purchase that will allow your facility to remain compliant and competitive. We are proud of our ability to distribute validation equipment to the most regulated pharmaceutical, medical device, biotechnology, and diagnostics companies. Additionally, we have extensive experience in the installation, commission, and validation of all equipment—and can offer our expert assistance to worldwide facilities. PSC Biotech™ is driven to not only meet your needs and requirements, but we are also dedicated to providing the best in support and service throughout the entire lifetime of the instrument or equipment.

CLiMET Products

“Climet takes pride in that we are an innovator, not an imitator. A global leader in the field of environmental monitoring for well over 50 years, we are focused on providing our customers the highest quality equipment in order to eliminate or mitigate deviation reports and investigations caused by interval calibration failures (i.e., a hidden CoPQ). We strive to provide users the highest accuracy and stability of measurement, as well as a long product life cycle, and the lowest Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). Putting our clients’ interests first, we work hard to provide the highest value available in the market place today!” – CLiMET

how can we help you

Contact PSC Biotech Corporation Today!

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