Written By: Leah Bonugli, Marketing Specialist, PSC Biotech® 

Katie Favino, Business Development Manager at PSC Biotech®, is a typical PSC™ professional, who volunteers and is involved with her local ASQ Milwaukee, Chicago IFTISPE, and PDA chapters.

Katie first got involved with the ASQ Milwaukee chapter and finds that, “ASQ (ASQ.org) is committed to providing enhanced expertise, professional networks, tools, and solutions to help our members advance their products, services, and industries. ASQ provides professional training, certifications, and knowledge to members globally. I have been putting together volunteer leader recognitions to introduce and say ‘Thank You’ to all the volunteers.”  

Chapter Involvement | ASQ IFT ISPE PDA

Katie joined the Chicago chapter of the Institute of Food Technologists (IFT.org), which since 1939 has been a forum for food professionals and technologists to collaborate, learn, and contribute all with the goal of inspiring and transforming collective scientific knowledge into innovative solutions for the benefit of all people around the world.  She volunteers with the membership committee serving the almost 13,000 members of the Chicago chapter.  Katie’s involvement shows the chapter how PSC™ can support the food industry.

Katie is also a member of PDA and ISPE and hopes to get more involved with her local chapters as time allows her to and once the pandemic slows down.

Katie is more than just a chapter member, she contributes to her local chapters which helps her to make an impact for the members of her professional organization chapters.

PSC™ continues to encourage their employees to volunteer to support their local professional organization chapters.

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